
December 19, 2007


If you had a horse what would you
call him/her?

~~~Tiger queen~~~


Barb said...

Brenner says: It would be a boy and I would call it Starry (it's a white horse).

Bekah said...

I wish I had a horse. My mom says they cost a lot to keep. My sister and I ride every week in the spring. If I had a horse I would call her Sparkel.

Unknown said...

If I had a horse, I'd call it Moonbeam.

dancegirl8 said...

A her

Annalee said...

it would be a girl with a mix of colors i would name her misty

Jess said...

It Might be if it were a boy i would ca it Prancer And if it were a girl then i would call it, Dona

Rose said...

if it was a girl i would call it Holly, it would be black. and if it was a boy i would call it.......well i do not know........maybe Henry